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RGB Blaster Shell

RGB Blaster Shell

Available at these resellers

The Krikzz RGB Blaster is an RGB + Audio out cartridge for the Nintendo Famicom. It’s an awesome device but it doesn’t offer much protection with it’s PCB sandwich plates and can be a little wobbly in the Famicom cartridge slot.

Our multicolored shells help with these issues by fully wrapping around the RGB Blaster like a real Famicom cartridge. The RGB Blaster shell fits snug without being too tight for the Famicom cartridge slot.

Needed for Installation (not included):

  • 3/16″ hex driver or metric equivalent
  • #01 Philips screw driver
  • Hex stand offs from the RGB Blaster
  • 4 Screws from the RGB Blaster

Assembly Guide